


Sub 横飛び記入() '記入する行をクリックした後マクロ実行する。
 retu = ActiveCell.Column
 gyou = ActiveCell.Row
For i = 0 To 20
  If Cells(gyou, retu + i) <> "" Then End
 If Cells(gyou - 1, retu + i) = "●" Then
   Cells(gyou, retu + i) = 1
   Cells(gyou, retu + i) = Cells(gyou - 1, retu + i) + 1
 End If
 If Cells(gyou - 1, retu + i + 1) = "" Then Exit For
Next i
End Sub

Sub allpaint_100() '当選間隔で00-99まで塗りつぶし
For i = 1 To 100
  h = 1
 Do Until Cells(3 + h, i + 10) = ""
  If h = 1 Then
   hani = Cells(3 + h, i + 10)
   hani = Cells(3 + h, i + 10) - Cells(3 + h - 1, i + 10)
  End If
  If hani <= 50 Then ’当選間隔50回以下
   Cells(3 + h, i + 10).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 10 '緑4
  ElseIf hani > 50 And hani <= 100 Then
   Cells(3 + h, i + 10).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1 '青53=茶黒1
  ElseIf hani >= 101 And hani <= 300 Then
   Cells(3 + h, i + 10).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
  ElseIf hani > 300 Then
   Cells(3 + h, i + 10).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
   Selection.Font.Bold = True
   Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
  End If
   lashani = Cells(3 + h, i + 10)
  h = h + 1
   Cells(100, i + 10) = lashani
  If h = 65 Then Exit Do
Next i
Cells(4, 11).Select
End Sub
Sub hanntei2_100()
 For i = 1 To 100
  h = 1
 Do Until Cells(3 + h, i + 111) = ""
  If h = 1 Then
   hani = Cells(3 + h, i + 111)
   hani = Cells(3 + h, i + 111) - Cells(3 + h - 1, i + 111)
  End If
  If hani <= 50 Then
   Cells(3 + h, i + 111).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 50 '緑
  ElseIf hani > 50 And hani <= 100 Then
   Cells(3 + h, i + 111).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1 '黒1青5
   Cells(3 + h, i + 111).Select
   Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
  End If
  lashani = Cells(3 + h, i + 111)
   h = h + 1
  If h = 30 Then Exit Do
Next i
 Cells(2, 111).Select
End Sub
Sub cunters() '飛び期間を記入する
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
End With
ActiveWorkbook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False
retu = ActiveCell.Column
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
i = 0
Do Until Cells(gyou + i, retu - 1) = "" And Cells(gyou + i, retu) = ""
If Cells(gyou + i, retu) = "" Then
 Cells(gyou + i, retu) = k + 1
   k = k + 1
  If Cells(gyou + i + 1, retu) <> "" Then k = 0
End If
   If i = 4000 Then Exit Do
  i = i + 1
  If i = 0 Then MsgBox "データ等をチェックして下さい。": End
End Sub
Sub 空白除去()
retu = ActiveCell.Column
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
t_w = 44
i = 0: k = 0
Do Until Cells(gyou + i, 2) = ""
If Cells(gyou + i, retu) <> "" Then
       Cells(gyou + i - k, retu + t_w) = Cells(gyou + i, retu)
   k = k + 1
End If
  If i = 5000 Then Exit Do
  i = i + 1
If i = 0 Then MsgBox "データ等をチェックして下さい。": End
End Sub
Sub boxsort()
' マクロ記録日 : 2006/12/22  
  Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("BJ9"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("BH9" _
), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False _
, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, SortMethod:=xlPinYin, DataOption1:= _
xlSortNormal, DataOption2:=xlSortTextAsNumbers
End Sub
Sub ban_go() '判定番号位置欄に移動する
maebann = Cells(1, 8)
bango = Application.InputBox("番号入力して下さい", Default:=maebann)
start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
If bango > 99 Or bango < 0 Then MsgBox "データ等をチェックして下さい。": End
Cells(3, bango + 11).Select
i = 0
Do Until Cells(3 + i, bango + 11) = ""
Cells(4 + i, bango + 11).Select
If i = 64 Then Exit Do
i = i + 1

res = MsgBox(bango & " の回数記入処理実行?", vbYesNo)
Select Case res
Case vbYes
Call hanntei_100
Case vbNo
Cells(1, 1).Select: End
End Select
End Sub
Sub hanntei_100()
retu = ActiveCell.Column
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
If Cells(gyou, retu) = "" And Cells(gyou - 1, retu) <> "" Then
Cells(gyou, retu) = Cells(4, 9) + 1 '回数の記入
Cells(9, 10) = gyou
Cells(10, 10) = Cells(3, retu)
Cells(11, 10) = Cells(gyou, retu) - Cells(gyou - 1, retu)
End If

h = 1
Do Until Cells(3 + h, retu) = ""
If h = 1 Then
  hani = Cells(3 + h, retu)
  hani = Cells(3 + h, retu) - Cells(3 + h - 1, retu)
End If
If hani <= 50 Then
  Cells(3 + h, retu).Select
  Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 10 '緑4
ElseIf hani > 50 And hani <= 100 Then
  Cells(3 + h, retu).Select
  Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1 '青53=茶黒1
ElseIf hani >= 101 And hani <= 300 Then
  Cells(3 + h, retu).Select
  Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
ElseIf hani > 300 Then
 Cells(3 + h, retu).Select
 Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
 Selection.Font.Bold = True
 Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
End If
    lashani = Cells(3 + h, retu)
h = h + 1
Cells(100, retu) = lashani
hh = h
If h = 65 Then Exit Do

Call kankaku_check
Cells(2 + hh, retu).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(4, 11).Select
End Sub
Sub kankaku_check()
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
End Sub

変数 知らなかった本当の使い方
Sub 奇偶判定() '奇遇,大小等を判定する。
Dim d(4) As long, tg As long, kg, kgdata, to_ban, ds_pp As String

motodate = Cells(1, 1) '当選番号
 d(1) = Val(Left(motodate, 1)) '当選番号を4つの出目に分ける
 d(2) = Val(Right(Left(motodate, 2), 1))
 d(3) = Val(Left(Right(motodate, 2), 1))
 d(4) = Val(Right(motodate, 1))
 ds_p = 0
For i = 1 To 4
  If d(i) / 2 = Int(d(i) / 2) Then kg = 2 Else kg = 1 '4つを奇遇に分ける
 If d(i) <= 4 Then '4つを大小に分ける
  ds = 2
  ds = 1
  ds_p = ds_p + ds
 End If
 tg = tg + d(i) '
 kgdata = kgdata & kg '奇遇データを1と2に分類する
 dsdata = dsdata & ds '大小データを1と2に分類する
Next i
 If kgdata = "1111" Then kgkg = 1
If kgdata = "2222" Then kgkg = 2
If kgdata = "1112" Then kgkg = 3
If kgdata = "1121" Then kgkg = 4
If kgdata = "1211" Then kgkg = 5
If kgdata = "2111" Then kgkg = 6
If kgdata = "2221" Then kgkg = 7
If kgdata = "2212" Then kgkg = 8
If kgdata = "2122" Then kgkg = 9
If kgdata = "1222" Then kgkg = 10
If kgdata = "1122" Then kgkg = 11
If kgdata = "1212" Then kgkg = 12
If kgdata = "1221" Then kgkg = 13
If kgdata = "2211" Then kgkg = 14
If kgdata = "2121" Then kgkg = 15
If kgdata = "2112" Then kgkg = 16
If dsdata = "1111" Then dsds = 1
If dsdata = "2222" Then dsds = 2
If dsdata = "1112" Then dsds = 3
If dsdata = "1121" Then dsds = 4
If dsdata = "1211" Then dsds = 5
If dsdata = "2111" Then dsds = 6
If dsdata = "2221" Then dsds = 7
If dsdata = "2212" Then dsds = 8
If dsdata = "2122" Then dsds = 9
If dsdata = "1222" Then dsds = 10
If dsdata = "1122" Then dsds = 11
If dsdata = "1212" Then dsds = 12
If dsdata = "1221" Then dsds = 13
If dsdata = "2211" Then dsds = 14
If dsdata = "2121" Then dsds = 15
If dsdata = "2112" Then dsds = 16
If ds_p = 0 Then ds_pp = "■■■■": ds_ppn = 4
If ds_p = 1 Then ds_pp = "■■■□": ds_ppn = 3
If ds_p = 2 Then ds_pp = "■■□□": ds_ppn = 2
If ds_p = 3 Then ds_pp = "■□□□": ds_ppn = 1
If ds_p = 4 Then ds_pp = "□□□□": ds_ppn = 0
Cells(1, 2) = kgkg '奇遇パターン
Sheets("合計").Cells(1, 1) = tg '合計数
Sheets("合計").Cells(2, 1) = ds_pp
Sheets("合計").Cells(3, 1) = ds_ppn
Sheets("合計").Cells(2, 41) = motodate & "合計=" & tg '当選番号と合計数
Sheets("合計").Cells(1, 166) = motodate '当選番号
Sheets("千百分析").Cells(1, 2) = motodate '当選番号
Sheets("合計").Cells(2, 166) = dsds '大小パターンを1~16に分ける
End Sub

Sub ●記入() '奇遇パターンに合わせて1~16に表示する。
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
Cells(gyou, 2) = Cells(1, 2)
retu = Cells(gyou, 2)
If retu = "" Then End
If retu >= 17 Then End
Cells(gyou, 3 + retu) = "●"
Cells(gyou + 1, 4).Select
Cells(4, 3 + retu).Select
Cells(gyou, 21).Select
Select Case retu
Case 1: n = 0: kgp = "△△△△"
Case 2: n = 4: kgp = "▲▲▲▲"
Case 3: n = 1: kgp = "▲△△△"
Case 4: n = 1: kgp = "▲△△△"
Case 5: n = 1: kgp = "▲△△△"
Case 6: n = 1: kgp = "▲△△△"
Case 7: n = 3: kgp = "▲▲▲△"
Case 8: n = 3: kgp = "▲▲▲△"
Case 9: n = 3: kgp = "▲▲▲△"
Case 10: n = 3: kgp = "▲▲▲△"
Case 11: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 12: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 13: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 14: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 15: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 15: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
Case 16: n = 2: kgp = "▲▲△△"
End Select
  Cells(gyou, 22) = n
    Cells(gyou, 23) = kgp
  Cells(gyou + 1, 4).Select
End Sub

Sub ●計記入() '合計
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
Cells(gyou, 2) = Cells(1, 1)
retu = Cells(gyou, 2)
    If retu = "" Then End
If Int(Cells(gyou, 2) / 2) = Cells(gyou, 2) / 2 Then
  Cells(gyou, 2).Select
 With Selection.Font
.Color = -16776961

 End With
 Cells(gyou, 2).Select
 With Selection.Font
.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
  End With
End If
Cells(gyou, 4 + retu) = "●"
Cells(gyou, 41) = Cells(2, 1)
Cells(gyou, 42) = Cells(3, 1)
  Cells(gyou + 1, 13).Select
End Sub

Sub ●計記入sb() '大小
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
Cells(gyou, 167) = Cells(2, 166)
retu = Cells(gyou, 167)
If retu = "" Or retu > 16 Then End
Cells(gyou, 167 + retu) = "●"
Cells(gyou + 1, 168).Select
End Sub
Sub Box_Kensaku()
' kensaku Macro
' マクロ記録日 : 2007/10/9
bango = Application.InputBox("番号入力して下さい")
Selection.Find(What:=bango, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
Sub box_kensaku_2()
' kensaku Macro
' マクロ記録日 : 2007/10/9
bango = Application.InputBox("番号入力して下さい")
 Selection.Find(What:=bango, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
Sub box_kensaku_3()

bango = Application.InputBox("番号入力して下さい")
Selection.Find(What:=bango, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, MatchByte:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
Sub 桁分析()
Call saikeisanoff

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("千一分析 ").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("百一分析 ").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("十一分析 ").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Range("z3") = "=COUNT(奇遇!B4:B5000)"
Range("z3") = Range("z3") & "回"
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub coooopio()

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
End Sub
Sub seiti_keisan()
Dim tds_p、ds_p As String
Dim ds_pn As Integer
retu = 3
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
If Cells(gyou, retu) <> "" Then End
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(Cells(gyou, retu), Cells(gyou, retu)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Range(Cells(gyou, retu + 14), Cells(gyou, retu + 14)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Cells(gyou, 12) = Application.Min(Range(Cells(gyou, 3), Cells(gyou, 8)))
Cells(gyou, 13) = Application.Max(Range(Cells(gyou, 3), Cells(gyou, 8)))
For x = 3 To 8
If Cells(gyou, x) <= 100 Then
ds_p = "●": ds_pn = ds_pn + 1
ds_p = "○"
End If
tds_p = tds_p + ds_p
Next x
Cells(gyou, 15) = tds_p
Cells(gyou, 16) = ds_pn
End Sub
Sub 入力へ()
w = 2: h = 2
actsheet = ActiveSheet.Name
If actsheet = "合計" Then
retu = 41
ElseIf actsheet = "奇遇" Then
retu = 21
End If
jp = Cells(1, retu) + 3 + h
Cells(jp, w).Select
End Sub
Sub kigu_tyusyutu()
Dim kai, i, ii, r, t, span, owari As Integer
Cells(4, 65) = Empty
kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=16)
owari = Cells(1, 21) + kai
Cells(4, 65) = kai
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする・
For t = 0 To 15
i = 5
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai
  Cells(i, t + 66) = Application.Count(Range(Cells(5 + ii, t + 29), Cells(ii + kai + 4, t + 29)))
 If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 65) = ii
i = i + 1
Next ii
   Next t
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub gokei_tyusyutu()
Dim kai, i, ii, r, t, span, owari As Integer
Range("dt4") = Empty
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする                                                        
kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=15)
owari = Cells(1, 1) + kai
Cells(4, 124) = kai                                                               
For t = 0 To 36
i = 5
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai                                                     
Cells(i, t + 125) = Application.Count(Range(Cells(5 + ii, t + 45), Cells(ii + kai + 4, t + 45)))       If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 124) = ii
i = i + 1
Next ii
Next t
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub daisyo_tyusyutu()
Dim kai, i, ii, r, t, span, owari As Integer
Range("hp4") = Empty
Range("hp5:if3737").ClearContents                                                                                                   Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
    kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=16)
 owari = Cells(1, 1) + kai
Cells(4, 224) = kai
 For t = 0 To 15
i = 5
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai                                                                                                       
Cells(i, t + 225) = Application.Count(Range(Cells(5 + ii, t + 186), Cells(ii + kai + 4, t + 186)))                                                                                                        
If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 224) = ii
i = i + 1
Next ii                                                                                                                    
Next t
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub 奇偶間隔式()
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub daisyou_ptn_kankaku() '●を大小に表示する
Dim k_iti As Integer
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
i = 0
Do Until Cells(5 + i, 167) = ""
k_iti = Cells(5 + i, 167)
If k_iti < 1 And k_iti > 16 Then End
Cells(5 + i, 167 + k_iti) = "●"
i = i + 1
If i = 5000 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon
End Sub

Sub kiguu_ptn_kankaku() '●を奇遇に表示する
Dim k_iti As Integer
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
i = 0
Do Until Cells(5 + i, 2) = ""
k_iti = Cells(5 + i, 2)
If k_iti < 1 And k_iti > 16 Then End
Cells(5 + i, 3 + k_iti) = "●"
i = i + 1
If i = 5000 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon
End Sub



マクロ 対話型

変数 知らなかった本当の使い方
Sub kiguu_tyusyutu()’各集計間隔での奇数、偶数出現回数集計
Dim kai As long, i As long, ii As long, r As long, t As long, x As long As long
Dim span As long, owari As long
i = 4
Cells(3, 454) = Empty
kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=10)
If kai = False Or kai = "" Then End
owari = Cells(2, 15) + kai
Cells(3, 454) = kai & "回毎"
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
i = 4
Do Until Cells(i, 4) = ""
  For x = 0 To 3
If Cells(i, 4 + x) / 2 = Int(Cells(i, 4 + x) / 2) Then
     Cells(i, 440 + x) = 0
     Cells(i, 440 + x) = 1
End If
Next x
 i = i + 1
If i > 5000 Then Exit Do
i = 4
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai
 For r = 0 To 3
       Select Case r '千、百,十,一,のデータ表示列位置の設定
         Case 0: span = 455 '千
         Case 1: span = 457 '百
         Case 2: span = 459 '十
         Case 3: span = 461 '一
        End Select 
  Cells(i, span) = Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(4 + ii, r + 440), Cells(ii + kai + 3, r + 440)), 1)
Cells(i, span + 1) = Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(4 + ii, r + 440), Cells(ii + kai + 3, r + 440)), 0)
Next r
    If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 454) = ii
    i = i + 1
Next ii
 Call saikeisanon
End Sub

Sub 大小_tyusyutu()
Dim kai As long, i As long, ii As long, r As long, t As long, x As long, span, owari As long

i = 4
Cells(3, 474) = Empty
kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=10)
If kai = False Or kai = "" Then End
owari = Cells(2, 15) + kai
Cells(3, 474) = kai & "回毎"
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
Do Until Cells(i, 4) = ""
For x = 0 To 3
  If Cells(i, 4 + x) < 5 Then
     Cells(i, 445 + x) = 0
     Cells(i, 445 + x) = 1
  End If
Next x
   i = i + 1
  If i > 5000 Then Exit Do
i = 4
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai
 For r = 0 To 3
       Select Case r '千、百,十,一,のデータ表示列位置の設定
        Case 0: span = 475 '千
        Case 1: span = 477 '百
        Case 2: span = 479 '十
        Case 3: span = 481 '一
       End Select 
  Cells(i, span) = Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(4 + ii, r + 445), Cells(ii + kai + 3, r + 445)), 1)
Cells(i, span + 1) = Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(4 + ii, r + 445), Cells(ii + kai + 3, r + 445)), 0)
Next r
 If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 474) = ii
    i = i + 1
Next ii
 Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub de_sort()
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("box分析").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
     "IE15:IE234"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:= _
ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("box分析").Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range( _
     "IG15:IG234"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlDescending, DataOption:= _
With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("box分析").Sort
     .SetRange Range("ID15:IH234")
     .Header = xlGuess
     .MatchCase = False
     .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
     .SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With

  If Cells(14, 246) = 0 Then
   End If
End Sub

Sub pea_next_box()
Dim j As long, i As long, k As long, retu As long, iti As long, clored As long
j = 0: i = 4: k = 0: retu = 0
   start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
Range("gh10:ij10") = Empty
bangoend = Cells(10, 1)
Range("ga12") = "=LEFT(F12,2)"
Range("gb12") = "=LEFT(F12,1)&MID(F12,3,1)"
Range("gc12") = "=LEFT(F12,1)&RIGHT(F12,1)"
Range("gd12") = "=MID(F12,2,2)"
Range("ge12") = "=MID(F12,2,1)&RIGHT(F12,1)"
Range("gf12") = "=RIGHT(F12,2)"
Range("gg12") = "=F12"
Range("ga12:gg12").Copy Range(Cells(13, 183), Cells(11 + bangoend, 189))
Call saikeisanoff
 i = 12
Do Until Cells(i, 189) = ""
k = 0
For j = 0 To 5 '出目の入力348

d = Cells(i, j + 183).Value
  If d >= 11 And d <= 19 Then
    k = -1
 ElseIf d >= 22 And d <= 29 Then
    k = -3
ElseIf d >= 33 And d <= 39 Then
    k = -6
ElseIf d >= 44 And d <= 49 Then
    k = -10
ElseIf d >= 55 And d <= 59 Then
    k = -15
ElseIf d >= 66 And d <= 69 Then
    k = -21
ElseIf d >= 77 And d <= 79 Then
    k = -28
ElseIf d >= 88 And d <= 89 Then
    k = -36
ElseIf d = 99 Then
    k = -45
    k = 0
End If
    retu = d + 190 + k
   caunter = Application.CountA(Range(Cells(12, retu), Cells(500, retu)))
   Cells(10, retu) = caunter

  iti = 0 '分割後同じ2桁の場合の位置調整
If j = 1 Then
     If Cells(i, j + 182) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
 ElseIf j = 2 Then
     If Cells(i, j + 182) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
 ElseIf j = 3 Then
     If Cells(i, j + 181) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
     If Cells(i, j + 182) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
ElseIf j = 4 Then
     If Cells(i, j + 181) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
     If Cells(i, j + 182) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
ElseIf j = 5 Then
     If Cells(i, j + 182) = Cells(i, j + 183) Then iti = -1
End If   
        Cells(600 + iti + caunter, retu) = Cells(i + 1, 1) '当選回   
        Cells(12 + iti + caunter, retu) = Cells(i + 1, 189) '当選番号
      If caunter = 0 Then
          Cells(1100 + iti + caunter, retu) = Cells(i + 1, 1) '当選間隔
          Cells(1100 + iti + caunter, retu) = Abs(Cells(600 + iti + caunter, retu) - Cells(599 + iti + caunter, retu))   '当選間隔
          clored = Cells(1100 + iti + caunter, retu)          
         Select Case clored
         Case 0 To 5
           Cells(12 + iti + caunter, retu).Select
           Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 10 '緑4       
           Case 6 To 10
           Cells(12 + iti + caunter, retu).Select
             Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 7
          Case 11 To 29
          Cells(12 + iti + caunter, retu).Select
              Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 1 '黒1
         Case Else
            Cells(12 + iti + caunter, retu).Select
             Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 3 '赤
        End Select    
      End If
Next j
i = i + 1
    If i = 4001 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
 Sub pea_next_box_seiretu()   'tripear_sujiの番号,回号、間隔を下並び出力。
Dim degen_max As long, motosuu As long
Dim i As long, n As long, start As long, x As long
   start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
 degen_max = Cells(9, 190)
   Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
For x = 190 To 244
    motosuu = 0
  motosuu = Cells(10, x)
If degen_max > motosuu Then
   Range(Cells(12, x), Cells(motosuu + 1700, x)).Select  '番号,
   Cells(12 + degen_max - motosuu, x).Select
End If
Next x
Call saikeisanon '再計算を起動させる
End Sub

 Sub deme_st4間隔() 'deme間隔でアンダーバー引く
Dim i As long, k As long, gyou As long, retu As long
Dim deme As long, ndeme As long, yiti As long
Dim demebar As Object, ndemebar As Object
Dim  tdemebarAs Object, demerenbar As Object

gyou = ActiveCell.Row
retu = ActiveCell.Column
deme = Cells(gyou, retu)
Set demebar = Application.Cells(gyou, retu)
Set ndemebar = Application.Cells(gyou, retu + 4)
  i = 1
 Do Until deme = Cells(gyou - i, retu)
i = i + 1
k = i - 1
If i = 2000 Then Exit Do
If k >= 11 And k <= 29 Then
  demebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
  ndemebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle

ElseIf k >= 30 Then
  demebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble
  ndemebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble

  demebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
  ndemebar.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
End If
If k = 0 Then
   Cells(gyou, retu + 4) = 0
   Cells(gyou, retu + 4) = k
End If
   Cells(gyou + 1, retu).Select

End Sub
  Sub HotNo_KanakuWriter() 'ホットナンバーの間隔記入予備作業
Dim kankaku_d As long, iti As long
Dim gyou As long, retu As long

  gyou = ActiveCell.Row
retu = ActiveCell.Column
kankaku_d = Cells(gyou, retu)
If kankaku_d <= 3 Then 'ホット間隔数記入
Cells(17, retu + 133).Select
h = 0
Do Until Cells(17 + h, retu + 133) = ""
     h = h + 1
   Cells(16 + h, retu + 133).Select
     If h = 50 Then Exit Do
End If
Cells(100, retu + 133).Select 'ホット間隔開始記入準備
i = 0
Do Until Cells(100 + i, retu + 133) = ""
     i = i + 1
     If i = 500 Then Exit Do
Cells(100 + i, retu + 133).Select
start = MsgBox(kankaku_d & "  間隔はok?", vbYesNo)
   If start = vbYes Then
     Cells(100 + i, retu + 133) = kankaku_d
   End If
iti = Cells(15, retu + 133) + 17  
Cells(iti, retu + 133).Select
End Sub
Sub copy_100()
End Sub

Sub deme_uesita()  ’入力した出目の前後の出目をすべての桁でチェックする
Dim deme As long, j As long, i As long, kaigou As long
Dim gyou_deme As long, retu_deme As long
kaigou = Cells(2, 15) + 3

Range(Cells(4, 4), Cells(kaigou, 7)).Select
  Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
      :=False, Transpose:=False
  deme = Cells(2, 523)
i = 1
  Do Until Cells(3 + i, 519) = ""
    For j = 1 To 4
     If Cells(4 + i, 515 + j) = deme Then  
          Cells(3 + i, 520 + j) = Cells(3 + i, 515 + j)
          Cells(4 + i, 520 + j) = deme
          Cells(5 + i, 520 + j) = Cells(5 + i, 515 + j)        
     End If     
   Next j
        i = i + 1
        If i > 5000 Then Exit Do
    Cells(kaigou - 50, 520).Select
 End Sub
Sub ban_gox() '判定番号位置欄に移動する
Dim bango As String
bango = Application.InputBox("小さい順に番号入力して下さい")
start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then Range("P14:IA14").Select: End
'If bango > 99 Or bango < 0 Then MsgBox "データ等をチェックして下さい。": End
  Selection.Find(What:=bango, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
      :=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
      True, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
Sub go_last() '3桁番号のラストに移動する。
Dim idocell As long
gyou = ActiveCell.Row
retu = ActiveCell.Column
  idocell = Application.CountA(Range(Cells(15, 256), Cells(700, 256))) + 15
Range(Cells(gyou, 247), Cells(gyou, 252)).Select
Cells(idocell, 256).Select
End Sub



 Sub next_total() '次合計を表示する
Dim kai As long
kai = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(2, 15)
Range("jj12:kt6000").ClearContents '出力表示部のクリア
Range(Cells(4, 15), Cells(kai + 3, 15)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '画面変更オフ
i = 13: k = 1
Do Until Cells(i, 269) = ""
retu_1 = Cells(i, 269).Value + 271
nextotal = Cells(i + 1, 269)
 caunter = Application.Count(Range(Cells(13, retu_1), Cells(500, retu_1))) + 1
 Cells(9, retu_1) = caunter
Cells(caunter + 12, retu_1) = nextotal
i = i + 1
   If i = 5001 Then Exit Do
Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面変更オン
Call saikeisanon '再計算をオンにする
End Sub

変数 知らなかった本当の使い方
Sub nextotal_seiretu()   '番号,回号、間隔を下並び出力。
Dim gokei_max As long, kigu_max As long, daisyo_max As long
Dim  mini_pmax As long, mini_smax As long
Dim i As long, ii As long, j As long, jj As long, k As long, start As long
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
   Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
gokei_max = Cells(9, 270)
For i = 0 To 36
motosuu = Cells(9, i + 271)
  Range(Cells(12, i + 271), Cells(12 + motosuu, i + 271)).Select '番号
Cells(12 + gokei_max - motosuu, i + 271).Select
Next i
Call saikeisanon '再計算を起動させる
End Sub
Sub HotNo4_Seiretu()
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
Range("ex4:gk777").Clear '出力表示部のクリア
Application.CutCopyMode = False
For i = 1 To 40
Cells(2, i + 153) = Application.Count(Range(Cells(4, i + 153), Cells(800, i + 153)))
Next i
gokei4_max = Cells(1, 147) + 1
For j = 1 To 40
  motosuu = Cells(2, j + 153)
Range(Cells(4, j + 153), Cells(4 + motosuu, j + 153)).Select '番号
Cells(4 + gokei4_max - motosuu, j + 153).Select
Next j
 yy = Cells(2, 15) + 3
Range(Cells(yy, 16), Cells(yy, 55)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Cells(3 + gokei4_max, 169).Select
End Sub

Sub nextsuuji_4keta_st() '桁別次数字を表示する
Dim retu_1 As long, jisyyji As long, h As long, j As long, i As long
start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
kai = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(2, 15)
Range("df12:ew496").ClearContents '出力表示部のクリア
Range(Cells(4, 4), Cells(kai + 3, 7)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
 Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
i = 12: caunter = 0
Do Until Cells(i, 110) = ""
For j = 1 To 4
  retu_1 = 0: jisyyji = 0
Select Case j 'データ表示列位置の設定
  Case 1:  span = 114: h = 0 '千桁
  Case 2:  span = 124: h = 1 '百桁
  Case 3:  span = 134: h = 2 '十桁
  Case 4:  span = 144: h = 3 '一桁
End Select
retu_1 = Cells(i, 110 + h).Value + span
jisyyji = Cells(i + 1, 110 + h)
   caunter = Application.Count(Range(Cells(12, retu_1), Cells(500, retu_1))) + 1
If jisyyji <> "" Then
Cells(10, retu_1) = caunter
End If
Cells(caunter + 11, retu_1) = jisyyji
Next j
i = i + 1
If i = kai + 30 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon '再計算をオンにする
End Sub
Sub jyouken()
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font
.Color = 3
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
Selection.FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:="=EX12>4"
With Selection.FormatConditions(1).Font
.Bold = True
.Italic = False
.TintAndShade = 0
End With
Selection.FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
End Sub
Sub nextketa_Seiretu_st()
'Call jyouken
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
  keta_max = Cells(10, 113)
For j = 1 To 40
    motosuu = Cells(10, j + 113)
If keta_max <> motosuu Then
  Range(Cells(12, j + 113), Cells(12 + motosuu, j + 113)).Select '番号
Cells(12 + keta_max - motosuu, j + 113).Select
' If j = 2 Then Exit For
End If
Next j
Cells(10 + keta_max, 133).Select
End Sub
Sub pear_next_no()   'ペア数字の後の番号を出力6種類
Dim j As long, i As long, k As long, retu As long
j = 0
i = 4
k = 0
retu = 0
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Call saikeisanoff 
Do Until Cells(i, 1900) = ""
    For j = 1 To 6 '出目の入力348
d = Cells(i, j + 1899).Value
If d >= 11 And d <= 19 Then
k = -1
ElseIf d >= 22 And d <= 29 Then
k = -3
ElseIf d >= 33 And d <= 39 Then
k = -6
ElseIf d >= 44 And d <= 49 Then
k = -10
ElseIf d >= 55 And d <= 59 Then
k = -15
ElseIf d >= 66 And d <= 69 Then
k = -21
ElseIf d >= 77 And d <= 79 Then
k = -28
ElseIf d >= 88 And d <= 89 Then
k = -36
ElseIf d = 99 Then
k = -45
k = 0
End If
retu = d + 1908 + k
If patann = 1 Then
 Cells(i, retu) = Cells(i, 15)
ElseIf patann = 2 Then
 Cells(i, retu) = Cells(i, j + 1899)
ElseIf patann = 3 Then
 Cells(i, retu) = Cells(i, 1899)
 End If
Next j
i = i + 1
    If i = 4001 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub stpear_suji()   'ペアストレート数字百十、百一、十一に別に回号、間隔、番号を出力。現在間隔作成中
Dim setretu As long, span As long, writretu As long, kaigo As long
Dim j As long, k As long, i As long, n As long, caunter As long, maxx As long

 kaigo = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(1, 56)
caunter = 0
  Range("aoo28:bql4000").ClearContents '出力表示部のクリア
Call saikeisanon
Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "G/標準"
  Range("aoh28") = "=ストレートパターン!C4"
Range("aoi28") = "=ストレートパターン!H4"
Range("aoj28") = "=ストレートパターン!I4"
Range("aok28") = "=ストレートパターン!J4"
Range("aol28") = "=ストレートパターン!K4"
Range("aom28") = "=ストレートパターン!L4"
Range("aon28") = "=ストレートパターン!M4"
Range("aoh28:aon28").Copy Range(Cells(29, 1074), Cells(27 + kaigo, 1080))
Range(Cells(29, 1074), Cells(27 + kaigo, 1080)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
i = 28
Do Until Cells(i, 1075) = "" And Cells(i, 1077) = ""
 Cells(i, 1073) = i - 27
  For n = 1 To 6 '百十、百一、十一に分ける。
setretu = Cells(i, 1074 + n).Value '番号によりデータ記入位置を設定する。
      Select Case n '千百、千十、千一,百十,百一,十一のデータ表示列位置の設定
Case 1: span = 1082 '千百
Case 2: span = 1207 '千十
Case 3: span = 1332 '千一
Case 4: span = 1457 '百十
Case 5: span = 1582 '百一
Case 6: span = 1707 '十一
End Select
writretu = setretu + span
caunter = Application.CountA(Range(Cells(28, writretu), Cells(88, writretu)))    '記入位置をカウンタから計算する。   
  Cells(28 + caunter, writretu) = Cells(i, 1073)   '回号データを記入する。
  Cells(19, writretu) = kaigo - Cells(i, 1073)
If caunter = 0 Then '回号データの間隔を200行から記入する
  Cells(100 + caunter, writretu) = Cells(i, 1073)
   Cells(100 + caunter, writretu) = Abs(Cells(27 + caunter, writretu) - Cells(28 + caunter, writretu))
End If
  Cells(200 + caunter, writretu) = Cells(i, 1074)    '番号データを200行から記入する
   Cells(20, writretu) = caunter + 1   '合計カウンタを計算表示する
   Cells(19, span - 1) = Application.Max(Range(Cells(19, span), Cells(19, span + 100)))
Cells(20, span - 1) = Application.Max(Range(Cells(20, span), Cells(20, span + 100)))
Next n
i = i + 1
If i = kaigo + 100 Then Exit Do
Call saikeisanon '再計算を起動させる
End Sub
Sub TKGM4_seiretu()   'stpear_sujiの番号,回号、間隔を下並び出力。
Dim degen_max As long, motosuu As long
Dim i As long, n As long, start As long
If Cells(28, 1082) = "" Then End
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
Application.ScreenUpdating = False '画面変更をしない。
For n = 1 To 6 '百十、百一、十一に分ける。
  Select Case n '千百、千十、千一,百十,百一,十一のデータ表示列位置の設定1082-1806
   Case 1: span = 1082 '千百
   Case 2: span = 1207 '千十
   Case 3: span = 1332 '千一
   Case 4: span = 1457 '百十
   Case 5: span = 1582 '百一
   Case 6: span = 1707 '十一
End Select
  motosuu = 0
degen_max = Cells(20, span - 1)
For i = 0 To 99
motosuu = Cells(20, i + span)
Range(Cells(28, i + span), Cells(400, i + span)).Select '回号,間隔,番号
 Cells(28 + degen_max - motosuu, i + span).Select
 Next i
Next n
Call saikeisanon '再計算を起動させる
Application.ScreenUpdating = True '画面変更on。
End Sub
Sub tripear_box()   'トリペア数字
Dim d(4) As long, i As long, j As long, k As long, iti As long
Dim caunter As long, reiti As long, loopend As long
   start = MsgBox("開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End

   kaigo = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(2, 15)
loopend = kaigo + 33
j = 0
k = 0
iti = 0
Call saikeisanon
Range("b15") = "=SMALL(ストレートパターン!D4:G4,1) & SMALL(ストレートパターン!D4:G4,2) & SMALL(ストレートパターン!D4:G4,3) & SMALL(ストレートパターン!D4:G4,4)"
'Range("b15").Copy Range(Cells(16, 2), Cells(kaigo + 14, 2))
Cells(15, 2).Copy Range(Cells(16, 2), Cells(kaigo + 14, 2))
Call saikeisanoff
    caunter = 0
i = 15
     Do Until kaigo = i - 15
For j = 1 To 4 '出目の入力348
Select Case j
Case 1: d(j) = Left(Cells(i, 2), 3)
Case 2: d(j) = Left(Cells(i, 2), 2) & Right(Cells(i, 2), 1)
Case 3: d(j) = Left(Cells(i, 2), 1) & Right(Cells(i, 2), 2)
Case 4: d(j) = Right(Cells(i, 2), 3)
End Select
If d(j) >= 11 And d(j) <= 19 Then
k = -1
ElseIf d(j) >= 11 And d(j) <= 19 Then
k = -1
ElseIf d(j) >= 22 And d(j) <= 29 Then
k = -3
ElseIf d(j) >= 33 And d(j) <= 39 Then
k = -6
ElseIf d(j) >= 44 And d(j) <= 49 Then
k = -10
ElseIf d(j) >= 55 And d(j) <= 59 Then
k = -15
ElseIf d(j) >= 55 And d(j) <= 59 Then
k = -15
ElseIf d(j) >= 66 And d(j) <= 69 Then
k = -21
ElseIf d(j) >= 77 And d(j) <= 79 Then
k = -28
ElseIf d(j) >= 88 And d(j) <= 89 Then
k = -36
ElseIf d(j) = 99 Then
k = -45
ElseIf d(j) >= 111 And d(j) <= 119 Then
k = -56
ElseIf d(j) >= 122 And d(j) <= 129 Then
k = -58
ElseIf d(j) >= 133 And d(j) <= 139 Then
k = -61
ElseIf d(j) >= 144 And d(j) <= 149 Then
k = -65
ElseIf d(j) >= 155 And d(j) <= 159 Then
k = -70
ElseIf d(j) >= 166 And d(j) <= 169 Then
k = -76
ElseIf d(j) >= 177 And d(j) <= 179 Then
k = -83
ElseIf d(j) >= 188 And d(j) <= 189 Then
k = -91
ElseIf d(j) = 199 Then
k = -100
ElseIf d(j) >= 222 And d(j) <= 229 Then
k = -122
ElseIf d(j) >= 233 And d(j) <= 239 Then
k = -125
ElseIf d(j) >= 244 And d(j) <= 249 Then
k = -129
ElseIf d(j) >= 255 And d(j) <= 259 Then
k = -134
ElseIf d(j) >= 266 And d(j) <= 269 Then
k = -140
ElseIf d(j) >= 277 And d(j) <= 279 Then
k = -147
ElseIf d(j) >= 288 And d(j) <= 289 Then
k = -155
ElseIf d(j) = 299 Then
k = -164
ElseIf d(j) >= 333 And d(j) <= 339 Then
k = -197
ElseIf d(j) >= 344 And d(j) <= 349 Then
k = -201
ElseIf d(j) >= 355 And d(j) <= 359 Then
k = -206
ElseIf d(j) >= 366 And d(j) <= 369 Then
k = -212
ElseIf d(j) >= 377 And d(j) <= 379 Then
k = -219
ElseIf d(j) >= 388 And d(j) <= 389 Then
k = -227
ElseIf d(j) = 399 Then
k = -236
ElseIf d(j) >= 444 And d(j) <= 449 Then
k = -280
ElseIf d(j) >= 455 And d(j) <= 459 Then
k = -285
ElseIf d(j) >= 466 And d(j) <= 469 Then
k = -291
ElseIf d(j) >= 477 And d(j) <= 479 Then
k = -298
ElseIf d(j) >= 488 And d(j) <= 489 Then
k = -306
ElseIf d(j) = 499 Then
k = -315
ElseIf d(j) >= 555 And d(j) <= 559 Then
k = -370
ElseIf d(j) >= 566 And d(j) <= 569 Then
k = -376
ElseIf d(j) >= 577 And d(j) <= 579 Then
k = -383
ElseIf d(j) >= 588 And d(j) <= 589 Then
k = -391
ElseIf d(j) = 599 Then
k = -400
ElseIf d(j) >= 666 And d(j) <= 669 Then
k = -466
ElseIf d(j) >= 677 And d(j) <= 679 Then
k = -473
ElseIf d(j) >= 688 And d(j) <= 689 Then
k = -481
ElseIf d(j) = 699 Then
k = -490
ElseIf d(j) >= 777 And d(j) <= 779 Then
k = -567
ElseIf d(j) >= 788 And d(j) <= 789 Then
k = -575
ElseIf d(j) = 799 Then
k = -584
ElseIf d(j) >= 888 And d(j) <= 889 Then
k = -672
ElseIf d(j) = 899 Then
k = -681
ElseIf d(j) = 999 Then
k = -780
k = 0
End If
   If j > 1 And d(j - 1) = d(j) Then iti = -1 Else iti = 0 '分割後同じ三桁の場合の位置調整
reiti = d(j) + 16 + k
caunter = Application.CountA(Range(Cells(15, reiti), Cells(190, reiti))) + iti '当選回数
Cells(15 + caunter, reiti) = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(i - 11, 1)  '当選回号
If caunter = 0 Then
  Cells(200 + caunter, reiti) = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(i - 11, 1) '当選間隔
   Cells(200 + caunter, reiti) = Abs(Cells(14 + caunter, reiti) - Cells(15 + caunter, reiti))
 Cells(20, 12) = Cells(14, reiti)
End If
    Cells(400 + caunter, reiti) = Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(i - 11, 3) '当選番号
Cells(11, reiti) = Application.Average(Range(Cells(200, reiti), Cells(200 + caunter, reiti)))
Cells(12, reiti) = caunter + 1
Cells(13, reiti) = kaigo - Sheets("ストレートパターン").Cells(i - 11, 1)
Cells(10, reiti) = Application.Max(Range(Cells(200, reiti), Cells(350, reiti)))
Next j
i = i + 1
If i = loopend Then Exit Do
Cells(12, 236) = Application.Max(Range(Cells(12, 16), Cells(12, 235)))
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
    Call saikeisanon
  End Sub
Sub tripea_seiretu()   'tripear_sujiの番号,回号、間隔を下並び出力。
Dim degen_max As long, motosuu As long
Dim i As long, n As long, start As long
start = MsgBox("整列開始しますか?", vbYesNo)
If start = vbNo Then End
degen_max = Cells(12, 236)
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
For x = 16 To 235
motosuu = Cells(12, x)
Range(Cells(15, x), Cells(400 + motosuu, x)).Select  '番号,
Cells(15 + degen_max - motosuu, x).Select
Next x
Call saikeisanon '再計算を起動させる
End Sub
Sub ST後追い集計()
Cells(15, 104).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Range("dd16") = "=cz15"
   Range("de16") = "=cz16"
Range("df16") = "=da15"
Range("dg16") = "=da16"
Range("dh16") = "=db15"
Range("di16") = "=db16"
Range("dj16") = "=dc15"
Range("dk16") = "=dc16"
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False  
Call saikeisanoff
For ii = 0 To 3000
j = 0
For i = 1 To 4
x = Cells(16 + ii, i + 107 + j)
y = Cells(16 + ii, i + 108 + j)
Cells(y + 15, x + 135) = Cells(y + 15, x + 135) + 1
  j = j + 1
Next i
Cells(25, 122) = ii + 1
Next ii
 Call saikeisanon
End Sub
Sub tyusyutu()
Dim kai As long, i As long, ii As long, r As long, t As long, span As long, owari As long
i = 4
 Cells(3, 356) = Empty
'Do Until Cells(i, 3) = ""
kai = Application.InputBox("集計間隔を入力して下さい", Default:=10)
If kai = False Or kai = "" Then End
owari = Cells(2, 15) + kai
 Cells(3, 356) = kai
Call saikeisanoff '再計算を止めて計算を速くする
For ii = 0 To owari Step kai
 For r = 0 To 3
Select Case r '千、百,十,一,のデータ表示列位置の設定
Case 0: span = 357 '千百
Case 1: span = 367 '千百
Case 2: span = 377 '千十
Case 3: span = 387 '千一
End Select
  For t = 0 To 9
  Cells(i, t + span) = Application.CountIf(Range(Cells(4 + ii, r + 4), Cells(ii + kai + 3, r + 4)), t)
Next t
Next r
If ii > 0 Then Cells(i - 1, 356) = ii
i = i + 1
Next ii
 Call saikeisanon
End Sub